Our Services

We offer a series of confidential 90-minute sessions with a team of two prayer ministers. In those sessions, we will teach you biblical forgiveness, help you release destructive emotions, addictions, and other strongholds that may be operating in your life, and walk you through the process of renewing your mind. It is our desire to see you experience healing and freedom through Christ and His Word. Contact us for an appointment to view our informational video and see if this is the next right step for you.

After you have completed your own personal ministry sessions, if you are interested in volunteering, we’d love to have you join us! Training classes are offered in the fall and we will teach you how to walk alongside and encourage others using The Word of God and a variety of biblically-based ministry tools. Contact us for more information on upcoming training sessions.

We offer a variety of courses, studies and workshops throughout the year for anyone who would like to experience personal growth. These opportunities will enhance your personal walk with the Lord as well as help you learn how to become a more effective disciple as you live out the calling God has for you. Our classes are taught by a variety of different instructors and all content is based on a biblical foundation. Check out the calendar on our Resources page to view upcoming opportunities and contact us if you are interested in signing up!

Tuesday evenings we meet for prayer. You are welcome to join us as we pray for the ministry and for each other. Come get to know us and prepare to be encouraged, supported and loved! Contact us if you would like to join so we can give you additional details such as time and location.
For any of the services mentioned above, please contact us and let us know how we can serve you.